A Treasure Trove of Obscure Thoughts

About Me

Greetings to All.

I am D.E. Overmyer, I have set this site up to express my thoughts and ideas. As the site grows you will find story lines and ideas that I have developed. If all goes as planned this will be a stepping stone to my writing career.

I am currently a computer consultant, and have been in the computer industry since 1989. I started working with computers in 1982, and completed writing my first game in 1983. It was a text adventure. The player journeyed through a series of underground caverns. If they were lucky they made it to the surface, alive. If they were not, then they met a gruesome end somewhere along the journey. Thus in essence, I had not only written my game, but also a short story.  It took me almost two weeks to write the game, and when complete, it took my brother fifteen minutes to complete it.  Okay, so I had a lot of work to do, but it was a very good learning experience.

As this site has started to grow, I am finding new ideas to add to the site.  I will be adding more book reviews and other literary items that I am interested in.  You may find links embedded in various articles.  These links will give you the opportunity to purchase the item in questions, or give further details of items, authors, books, etc…. from various points on the net.

you can email me at dave@fantasytreasures.com